Hi Everyone, Transformative Justice Collective has leaked 650 of your postal codes with zero accountability
In light of Gurprit posting about the victims of Mercury trying to take down TJC as a form of "cult-like behaviour", I will detail the harms they have done to me (and everyone else)
Evidence folder of TJC’s mistreatment of the victims of Mercury from June 2022 to October 2022 is here. Please take the time to read through, as this pdf has been compiled in late 2022 in good faith. The below article is a general summary by me of the PDF, which is lengthy. Note that my summary is not exhaustive!
TLDR: Due to TJC's negligence, my address (and more than 650 peoples' postal codes) was leaked to Mercury, they half assed an apology to me, they downplayed their harms against us. Read through both the document and this article, and decide if it's really a vendetta or whether my anger, our anger is justified?
Dear Gurprit, TJC exco and members of TJC,
It has been a big regret that I have to do this publicly. On my own private social media accounts and on private chats I have expressed nasty sentiments against Transformative Justice Collective, and I shall acknowledge so, and shall now publicly detail what exactly triggered this sentiment. Please refer to the document linked above, as it contains a full narrative of our interactions with TJC, how they have caused us harm, and how they refuse to take accountability.
Leak of my address due to poor TJC information security (Section A-B)
In June 2022 I signed TJC’s physical petition, and put in my postal code. At that point in time I was a huge supporter of TJC’s cause and actions, and went down to two TJC organised events at Hong Lim Park in April 2022.
All of these addresses, of all the petition signatories, were scanned, compiled into a PDF, and parked into their group chat on Telegram. This group chat had an open invite link floating around the internet.
On 16 July 2022, Mercury used these invite links to break into several death penalty group chats, and sent my sex tape. She had been doing so for a few days already, making good on her threat made against me on 29 June 2022.
What was notable about Mercury breaking into TJC’s chats is that almost immediately after, she obtained my address. Prior to this, the video and message that she had been sending around did not contain my address; any other attempt at sending the video after breaking into TJC’s chats included my full address.
I will acknowledge that I reached out to Kokila during this period of time and asked if screenshots of the video being sent in TJC chats could be sent to the police for evidence, and she requested that I crop out the names of the chat. I complied with her request, and she wished me well.
Mercury obtaining my address made it easier to not just doxx me to 100,000++ people, but also make stalking and harassment much easier in the future.
It must be noted that more than 650 names and addresses were leaked to Mercury, and the document with everyone’s address has been floating around the internet.
Ignoring, mischaracterising, and engaging with us in bad faith: Ketamine Saga (Section F to J)
All would be well (as well as it could be for me) until October 2022, when relationships with TJC began to fray. There are a few parts to this story, all of which are chronologically and clearly detailed in the document linked above.
The first part is that several victims of Mercury used to be in contact with two individuals, Sachi and Swan. These two individuals were helping out with Brown Dot in 2022, and were acquaintances and supporters of Harvey until falling out due to a willful miscommunication. Sachi was also in contact with Mercury after the falling out, which was alarming to us.
Sachi also fronted the “Not In Our Name” online campaign and website, where Sachi mistreated their website developers, some of whom are friends of the victims of Mercury and are actual victims of Mercury themselves. Knowing Sachi’s treatment of the developers and their ignorance of information security, we highlighted this to TJC as part of our concerns that Sachi’s incompetence and contact with Mercury would be a major concern for an organisation that is under state scrutiny like TJC.
At this point, Mercury also claimed via private messages with us that she was collaborating with, or making use of an unknowing Sachi and Swan, and there was a plan to take over the TJC exco, probably because Mercury sought the backing and approval of an esteemed organisation, which would then make her look credible. She then claimed to have planted ketamine at the venues of TJC’s latest event, which would get people like Jolovan and the old guard arrested and discredited, which would secure her a TJC leadership sympathetic to her.
Feel free to disbelieve me, that this is absurd. However, Mercury is the one who is publicly facing charges for an anthrax hoax. What part of Mercury’s MO makes it sound like she is a regular and sane person?
Regardless, some of Mercury’s threats over messages have been acted on. This is especially so in the case of my own sex tape being sent to 100,000++ people, and the stalking and doxxing of Carissa’s address. Even if this was not true, we believe that doing our due diligence to inform our then-comrades at TJC about a potential threat was in good faith. TJC, an organisation facing state scrutiny, should take the precautions in case a serial harasser, anthrax hoax committer, has actually planted ketamine at their location, thus putting attendees and important members like Jolovan and Kirsten at risk of interrogation or incarceration.
I had reached out to Kokila via Signal, and she did not reply me, I found out through a friend of ours who was a panelist at the TJC event that she had complained to them about me “harassing” her non stop. Erm… does this count as harassment? See the below screenshots.
More details are available in the PDF about SW, SH, and TJC’s interactions with us.
Feel free to disbelieve me, that this is absurd. However, Mercury is the one who is publicly facing charges for an anthrax hoax. What part of Mercury’s MO makes it sound like she is a regular and sane person?
Exchange of letters with TJC (Section K)
On 29 October, TJC sent us a letter, explaining that they had spoken to Sachi and Swan and decided that Sachi and Swan were not a threat as we had said (see Section K(b)).
We felt that the five TJC signatories had completely missed our point, and were still insisting on carrying on with business-as-usual despite us trying to tell them that TJC’s own vulnerabilities were literally being exploited. The letter showed that TJC (or at least the five signatories) had approached Sachi and Swan about our allegations and that both had “maintained that they have not spoken to the police, or to Mercury”.
Nonetheless, still very concerned about how they were not taking our concerns seriously and acknowledging our other points not related to Sachi and Swan, we sent in our own Letter to TJC (see section K(c)), backed by our signatories and friends who knew both us and the people in TJC.
We addressed TJC in good faith and honest critique, and included a clause that this document should be only viewed by the five intended recipients. Instead, random ass people (who were not the five people we addressed the letter to) began to contact our signatories, asking why they had signed it. Does this mean that TJC had disregarded our security clause and request for confidentiality?
Even worse, the document was circulated to Mercury, because it was then sent back to us.
All documents are included in the PDF.
J-min’s two letters to Kokila and TJC, demanding apologies (Sections K(d) to N)
Kokila then began to rant to our mutual friend the panelist, saying that we had engaged TJC in an unconstructive way, and that I was harassing her etc. Enraged at this (as I’ve been a victim of actual harassment), I wrote two letters to TJC as addendums.
In these two letters, I demanded an apology for:
The leak of my address
The fact that they did not take me seriously, given that the threats Mercury made against me were real (i.e. sex tape gate)
In particular, when the Sachi debacle had begun to surface, I began contacting Jolovan, Koki and Kirsten to get our concerns across. I want you all to know that you could have just told me to simply fuck off if I was spamming you. You could have just told me you didn't give a shit and I would not have wasted time. I genuinely cannot believe that any of you could say that I was harassing you to the point of feeling "distress", when I have been surviving on a day to day basis risking my life while Mercury sends hitmen after me and makes grandiose plans for my rape and murder and the disposal of my body.
Shame on you for telling me of all people that I was being a nuisance, shame on you for playing the victim, shame on you for saying that you are distressed when honestly you have seen nothing in your lives compared to what I have been through in the last week and a half.
I do not wish to stir shit in your organisation, I have been to your vigils this year at Hong Lim and I literally have no benefit in getting you to listen. I cannot express how infuriated I am at the members of TJC and in particular those named and those I have spoken to who have dismissed my concerns. I hope you all sleep well because you ought to know that I haven't in months. I will be looking forward to your apology in due time. Regards, J-min
Kokila then responded with an apology, which we break down on why it’s insincere in the PDF. In summary, (a) given all she’s been saying behind our backs (to our friend the panelist, and more people even after sending this message) (b) given the very standard PR bureaucratic politician nature of this message (c) given the passive-aggressiveness present in this message hidden under all the right buzzwords but being indicative of how chunks of this message are actually pretty-sounding non-apologies or half-apologies.
We will, however, point out just one example out of the several that are present and ripe for unpacking in Figures 131 – 136: In Kokila’s message, she acknowledged that she is “truly sorry that [TJC’s anti-death penalty Telegram] chat group for outreach volunteers was one of the numerous civil society/other chat groups that MJA intruded into to abuse and harass [J-min by sending J-min’s sex tape], and that the few minutes she had access to the chat group gave her access to information that put [J-min] at further risk.”
If you are wholeheartedly making a truly sincere apology, why is there a need to include the entire qualifier in bold, except to be passive-aggressive?
Regardless, after this apology, we began to take down Carissa’s Facebook posts about the TJC ketamine situation, because we were as of October 2022 not interested in smearing TJC’s reputation. This was months ago, and since then TJC have burned all goodwill.
May 2023: concerns about address leak & TJC response
Around May 2023, various different people who were signatories of the 2022 TJC petition had caught wind that their addresses in the PDF were leaked. Again, more than 650 people’s names and postal codes were leaked to a malicious actor, and is now floating around the internet. This prompted a TJC response on their website.
This came months after the leak, and only appeared due to concerns from their own signatories. Even so, it was confusing to regular onlookers, and one commenter commented: “So you guys leaked the addresses because of drama with another group?”
Is this enough to “appease me”? I still don’t think in light of Kokila’s half assed apology that they have done enough “transformative justice” for victims of their negligence and incompetence. However, a public apology and explanation was done, and must be acknowledged.
On Dumping
I now refer to Gurprit’s post on 4 July 2023, saying that we, the victims of Mercury, have a “vendetta against TJC”. Personally, as J-min, I do have a vendetta against TJC because they are responsible for my address leak. Certainly, Mercury has the capability to stalk and find people’s addresses, as seen by people whose addresses have been obtained illegally i.e. Lune, Carissa, etc. However, the fact that TJC just handed Mercury my address on a silver platter irritates me to no end.
Anyways, the fact that TJC downplayed, prioritised their own organisation’s image over actual harm done, and did not give me a good apology should be acknowledged if you want to paint us as having a vendetta against TJC. I want to re-emphasise that people like Carissa, Lune, Harvey and I were participants of TJC’s rallies in Hong Lim Park in 2022, and we were always in solidarity with TJC until they let us all down when we needed them the most.
Ask yourself this question: If they did not play stupid games, why would they win stupid prizes now? Please do not act like the fact that TJC is “doing good work” “in civil society” and that means that us acting out in desperation is vindictive and trying to destroy civil society. If civil society ruins my life and refuses to be accountable, then I think it deserves to be destroyed. As always, look in the mirror, all of you in TJC and Gurprit. You can claim that we have imaginary sources and cultish behaviour, but do not contradict my own lived experiences of fear and harassment. Thank you.
(Diplomatically, this opinion reflects only mine, J-min’s opinion. TJC knows how much I personally despise them. I think other victims of Mercury have more charitable outlooks on TJC. I just really fucking hate them because my address was leaked thanks to them and nothing will never make that up to me. You could have engaged me, continued to care for me and communicate transparently with me, but you did not. So whatever your apology is shit and you suck.)
(If your address has been leaked as well, reach out to Sitting! Perhaps we can have a support group for people let down by civil society and can figure out how to actually achieve liberation when losers like these organisations are busy flailing around <3)
All documents are available in the annex of the megafile linked at the start and below!
Evidence folder of TJC’s mistreatment of the victims of Mercury from June 2022 to October 2022 is here. Please take the time to read through, as this pdf has been compiled in late 2022 in good faith. The above article is a general summary by me of the PDF, which is lengthy. Note that my summary is not exhaustive!